

时间:2024-09-09 分类:办理常识

As a graduate from Central Saint Martins,losing your diploma can be an unwelcome and frustrating occurrence.However, there are steps that can be taken to remedy the situationand obtain a replacement.

Firstly,it is important to understand that a replacement diploma will not beidentical to the original. It is likely to have a replacement stampand may also differ in appearance from the original design. With thatsaid, a replacement diploma will still hold the same academic weightas the original.

Thefirst step in obtaining a replacement diploma is to contact theCentral Saint Martins Registry and Admissions team. They will requireyour personal details, including your full name, date of birth, andcourse details. It would also be helpful to provide your studentnumber, if you still have it. You can contact the Registry andAdmissions team via email or telephone, and they will be happy toassist you with the process.

Onceyour details have been verified, you will be asked to submit awritten request for the replacement diploma. This request shouldinclude the reason for the loss of the original diploma and anyrelevant supporting documentation, such as a police report orinsurance claim.

Thenext step in the process is to pay the required fee for thereplacement diploma. The cost for this service varies depending onhow quickly you need the replacement. Standard processing time isusually around four to six weeks, with a fee of around 45.If you require the replacement diploma more urgently, you can pay anadditional fee for expedited processing.

Onceyour request has been processed and payment has been received, theRegistry and Admissions team will begin the process of creating yourreplacement diploma. This can take several weeks, depending on demandand the complexity of the request.

Whenthe replacement diploma is ready, you will be notified by email orphone. You can then arrange for collection of the diploma from theCentral Saint Martins campus. It is important to bring identificationwith you when collecting the diploma.

Insummary, losing your Central Saint Martins diploma can be a stressfulexperience, but it is not the end of the world. Contact the Registryand Admissions team, submit a written request with supportingdocumentation, pay the fee, and await the creation of yourreplacement diploma. Despite the replacement stamp and possibledesign differences, your replacement diploma will hold the sameacademic weight as the original.