Kent State University Graduates CelebrateTheir Academic Accomplishments
KentState University, located in Kent, Ohio, held its 2021 SpringCommencement on May 15th and 16th. The event marked the end of achallenging academic journey for nearly 4,000 graduating students. Asthe graduates donned their caps, gowns, and masks, they celebratedtheir academic accomplishments and looked toward the future withexcitement and hope.
Thecommencement ceremonies were held both in-person and virtually toaccommodate the graduating students and their families who could notattend in person due to COVID-19 restrictions. During the ceremonies,President Todd Diacon congratulated the students and acknowledged thechallenges they faced during their academic journey, especiallyduring the pandemic.
Oneof the notable speakers at the commencement ceremony was Dr. AnthonyFauci, who delivered the keynote address virtually. Dr. Fauci, thedirector of the National Institute of Allergy and InfectiousDiseases, commended the graduates for their resilience during thepandemic and urged them to use their education to make a positiveimpact on society.
Thecommencement ceremonies were an emotional moment for the students whohave fought through unprecedented challenges to reach this milestone.“I’m so grateful I get to be here,” said Brittany Miller, agraduating nursing student. “It’s been such a long journey, andit’s finally coming to an end.”
Inaddition to the traditional ceremonies, Kent State University alsohosted a virtual celebration for its graduates. The celebrationincluded a virtual yearbook that featured congratulatory messagesfrom faculty members and fellow students, as well as a virtual RedCarpet event where graduates could share their stories andaccomplishments.
Thegraduating students now enter into a world that has been changed bythe pandemic, but they are prepared to face the challenges ahead. Theuniversity’s focus on providing practical experience through co-opand internship opportunities has equipped the graduates with theskills and knowledge they need to succeed in their chosenprofessions.
Oneof the graduates, Neeharika Vamaraju, reflected on her journey as acomputer science major and expressed her gratitude for theopportunities the university provided. “Kent State has given me theopportunity to work with some of the top companies in theirrespective industries, and I am excited to see where my skills andexperience take me.”
Formany of the graduates, the commencement ceremonies marked the end ofa chapter in their lives and the beginning of a new one. They are nowalumni of Kent State University, a community that will remain withthem for the rest of their lives.
Asthe graduates leave campus to embark on their new journeys, they takewith them the lessons they learned through their academic journey andthe experiences they gained through their time at Kent StateUniversity. The university can be proud of the graduates who haveshown their resilience, adaptability, and determination during theseunprecedented times.
Inconclusion, the Kent State University Spring Commencement ceremoniesprovided a poignant moment for nearly 4,000 graduating students.Despite the challenges of the pandemic, the graduates have completedtheir academic journey and celebrated their accomplishments. As thegraduates move on to the next phase of their lives, they arewell-equipped to make a positive difference in the world and continueto make the Kent State University community proud.