Consider Henley - Original Title HenleyBusiness School Graduation Ceremony 2021 - New Title Class of 2021Graduates at Consider Henley Business School
ConsiderHenley - this is the motto of Henley Business School, which wasfounded in 1945 and is one of the oldest business schools in Europe.The school has a rich history of providing students with qualityeducation, and this year's graduation ceremony is a testament to thevalue of education and hard work.
Thegraduation ceremony of Henley Business School was held on June 19th,2021. It was a day of joy and celebration for over 1000 graduates,who had completed their studies at the school and were now ready totake on the world. The ceremony was held at the school's beautifulcampus in Reading, with family members and friends of the graduatesgathered to witness the special day.
Theceremony started with a procession of faculty members, followed bythe graduates. The graduates were dressed in their academic gowns,with their mortarboards on their heads. They looked sharp andconfident, ready to receive their hard-earned diplomas.
Thegraduation ceremony was presided over by Professor John Board, Deanof Henley Business School. In his opening remarks, he congratulatedthe graduates on their achievements and acknowledged the challengesthey had faced during their studies, particularly during thepandemic.
Hesaid, "You are graduating during extraordinary times. TheCovid-19 pandemic has changed the way we live and work. It has been adifficult time for everyone, but your resilience and determinationhave brought you to this day. You are now equipped with the skillsand knowledge to make a positive difference in the world."
AfterProfessor Board's address, the graduates were called up one by one toreceive their diplomas. The excitement and emotions were palpable aseach graduate stepped forward to receive their degree. There werecheers, hugs, and tears of joy as each graduate walked back to theirseat, clutching their diploma.
Thehighlight of the ceremony was the keynote speech delivered by aprominent business leader and Henley alumni. The speaker spoke aboutthe importance of resilience, adaptability, and empathy in today'sfast-paced, ever-changing world. He encouraged the graduates to usetheir skills and knowledge to make a positive impact and be thechange they want to see in the world.
Thegraduation ceremony concluded with a champagne reception, where thegraduates had the opportunity to celebrate with their friends,family, and faculty members. The atmosphere was festive, with music,laughter, and good food. The graduates were beaming with pride andjoy, feeling accomplished and ready to take on the world.
Inconclusion, the graduation ceremony of Henley Business School was aremarkable event, filled with joyful moments and memories that willlast a lifetime. The graduates were celebrated and recognized fortheir hard work and achievements, and the ceremony was a testament tothe power of education in transforming lives and empoweringindividuals to make a positive difference in the world.Congratulations to the Class of 2021 graduates at Consider HenleyBusiness School!