Ohio State Lima Campus Issues GraduationCertificates to Class of Graduates
OnMay 8th, 2021, Ohio State Lima Campus hosted their graduationceremony to honor the significant achievements of their class ofgraduates. The ceremony was held in a hybrid format, with a limitednumber of graduates and family members attending in person, andothers tuning in remotely. Despite the challenging circumstances ofthe pandemic, the graduates were able to complete their studies andearn their degrees, which was an impressive accomplishment and onethat deserved to be celebrated.
Theceremony began with a procession of the faculty, followed by thegraduates, who wore the traditional black caps and gowns. The OhioState Lima Campus Chancellor, Dr. Bruce A. McPheron, opened theceremony with a welcome speech, congratulating the graduates on theirsuccess and wishing them well in their future endeavors. Hehighlighted the significance of this year's graduation, which markeda turning point for many people, including the graduating class, asthey celebrate their achievements and move on to the next stage oftheir lives.
Theceremony featured several guest speakers, including Ohio State LimaCampus student Cody Lynn Collins, who delivered the studentcommencement address. Collins spoke about the adversity that theyfaced as students during the pandemic and how they rose to thechallenge. They also encouraged fellow graduates to keep pushingthemselves outside of their comfort zones, to keep striving forexcellence, and to be the change they want to see in the world.
Anotherhighlight of the ceremony was the presentation of awards to variousgraduates. The Wilce Student Health Award, the LeCroy ScholarshipAward, the Richard Owens Mathematics Award, and the John & EdithIfft Scholarship Award were just a few of the scholarships and awardspresented. These awards recognized the outstanding academicachievements, leadership abilities, and community service of thegraduates.
Finally,the moment everyone was waiting for arrived, and the graduates wereinvited to receive their diplomas. Each student's name was announced,and they walked across the stage to receive their degree. Thegraduates were applauded by their family members and friends who werepresent in the audience, while others watching remotely wereencouraged to participate in the virtual applause.
Ina brief closing remark, Dr. Bruce A. McPheron spoke about the futureof the graduates and how they will serve as ambassadors of Ohio StateLima Campus. He congratulated them on a job well done and expressedhow proud he was of them. He added that the graduates are now part ofthe Ohio State community, and as such, they have an obligation topursue excellence and make a positive impact on the world.
Inconclusion, the graduation ceremony was a memorable event for theOhio State Lima Campus, and especially for the class of graduates.They showed resilience and determination in the face of adversity,and their hard work and dedication have finally paid off.Congratulations to the class of 2021, and we look forward to theamazing things they will accomplish in the future.